Thursday, December 3, 2009

SELinux, Apache and PHP 5.

Recently at work we hired a contractor to come in and do some work.  The department that hired him requested a machine for him. Instead of giving the guy admin access on a CentOS machine, I decided he could run everything in user space.  Thats fine...and I figured I'd duplicate the environment he'd use just so I could make sure it would work.  I don't like to provision machines and give anyone but myself or my system administrators admin access.

The guy wanted PHP5, Apache 2 (I used 2.2), Moodle (Some Courseware php program), and PostgreSQL.

Everything compiled without a hitch (mostly, since I had to look up what all php modules he needed compiled in...also added Suhosin for good measure since who knows what this guy will be doing.)

After fighting a bit with PHP modules I then discovered that SELinux was denying access to in the apache httpd/modules directory.

This was an error : "cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied" - Of course, disabling SELinux fixed this...but I dont always want to disable SELinux...

Someone suggested running execstack against to enable a flag on the file so SELinux would let Apache load the module...That didn't work.

I'll update this post later with some answers...I hope. For now, I'm leaving the office.