Friday, September 18, 2009

SSH and SSH Key Pair Authentication instead of Passwords

Well, some of the users where I work were wanting to know what makes key authentication better than password authentication... Its a difficult thing to explain when people are unaware of the advantages of key auth, and the risks of password authentication. I suppose I try to explain it away with "this will actually make it simpler in the case of a compromise" ... So I may post more about this later, but a general reasoning behind this is described well by some PuTTY documentation.

Public key authentication - an introduction

Public key authentication is an alternative means of identifying yourself to a login server, instead of typing a password. It is more secure and more flexible, but more difficult to set up.
In conventional password authentication, you prove you are who you claim to be by proving that you know the correct password. The only way to prove you know the password is to tell the server what you think the password is. This means that if the server has been hacked, or spoofed (see section 2.2), an attacker can learn your password.
Public key authentication solves this problem. You generate a key pair, consisting of a public key (which everybody is allowed to know) and a private key (which you keep secret and do not give to anybody). The private key is able to generate signatures. A signature created using your private key cannot be forged by anybody who does not have that key; but anybody who has your public key can verify that a particular signature is genuine.
So you generate a key pair on your own computer, and you copy the public key to the server. Then, when the server asks you to prove who you are, PuTTY can generate a signature using your private key. The server can verify that signature (since it has your public key) and allow you to log in. Now if the server is hacked or spoofed, the attacker does not gain your private key or password; they only gain one signature. And signatures cannot be re-used, so they have gained nothing.
There is a problem with this: if your private key is stored unprotected on your own computer, then anybody who gains access to that will be able to generate signatures as if they were you. So they will be able to log in to your server under your account. For this reason, your private key is usually encrypted when it is stored on your local machine, using a passphrase of your choice. In order to generate a signature, PuTTY must decrypt the key, so you have to type your passphrase.
This can make public-key authentication less convenient than password authentication: every time you log in to the server, instead of typing a short password, you have to type a longer passphrase. One solution to this is to use an authentication agent, a separate program which holds decrypted private keys and generates signatures on request. PuTTY's authentication agent is called Pageant. When you begin a Windows session, you start Pageant and load your private key into it (typing your passphrase once). For the rest of your session, you can start PuTTY any number of times and Pageant will automatically generate signatures without you having to do anything. When you close your Windows session, Pageant shuts down, without ever having stored your decrypted private key on disk. Many people feel this is a good compromise between security and convenience. See chapter 9 for further details.
There is more than one public-key algorithm available. The most common is RSA, but others exist, notably DSA (otherwise known as DSS), the USA's federal Digital Signature Standard. The key types supported by PuTTY are described in section 8.2.2.

sudo, su, and you. oh, and root. and some tips...

sudo(8) executes commands as a different user on Unix systems, as allowed by the sudoers configuration file. Commands run via sudo are logged via syslog, providing an audit trail. While sudo may not work on your friends, I consider it essential to system administration.


Consider also sudosh, or special logbash versions of the shell that log all commands. Never use the unsafe and unlogged sudo -s, sudo -i, and su commands. Between sudo and proper configuration management, logging in as root should be a very rare occasion.

List Commands

To see what commands can be run on a system, issue sudo -l. Depending on the sudoers configuration, this may prompt for the user’s password.
$ sudo -l
User admin may run the following commands on this host:
If root is allowed to run sudo, one can inspect what commands another user may run:
$ sudo sudo -u someotheruser sudo -l
User someotheruser may run the following commands on this host:
(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cleanup-logs
If administrators are allowed to sudo to any other user, this can be done directly via:
$ sudo -u someotheruser sudo -l
User someotheruser may run the following commands on this host:
(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cleanup-logs


The sudoers configuration file uses Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF), which is flexible but complex. For an overview, see the sudoers(5) documentation.
  • Always use visudo(8).
  • The visudo command should be used to edit the sudoers data. Otherwise, errors or permissions problems may crop up randomly. If building a complex sudoers file using configuration management software, sanity check the resulting data with visudo -f tempsudoers -c before moving it into production use.
  • Last entry wins
  • The last matching rule in sudoers wins; that is, if a NOPASSWD entry is followed by an entry that requires the implicit PASSWD, the user will be prompted to enter their password.
    $ sudo -l User admin may run the following commands on this host: (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL (ALL) ALL $ sudo -k; sudo /bin/ls Password:
    To avoid this problem, place NOPASSWD entries after any entries that require a password. The following requires passwords for all commands excepting xinetd service changes on a RedHat Linux system:
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL %wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/service xinetd *

Disallow Shell Access

Use the following configuration to avoid needless use of unsafe and unlogged shells. Encourage users to avoid launching a root shell, and reserve a special logbash shell that logs all commands for the rare occasions a root shell is needed.
# specify full list of shells and login commands here
Cmnd_Alias SHELLS= /bin/sh, /bin/ksh, /bin/bash, /bin/zsh, \
/bin/csh, /bin/tcsh, \
/usr/bin/login, /usr/bin/su

If the configuration is correct, a user attempting to gain shell access will be properly rejected:
$ sudo -s
Sorry, user jdoe is not allowed to execute '/bin/zsh' as root on …
$ sudo -i
Sorry, user jdoe is not allowed to execute '/bin/sh' as root on …
$ sudo su
Sorry, user jdoe is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/su' as root on …

Thursday, September 17, 2009

OpenSSH and SSH.COM Key generation - Some Concerns...

Where I work some people use a very old commercial SSH Client - Its from circa 2002 and its really not that great.  So we're switching to key based auth -- This brings some problems about.  Some of my users will be using this antiquated client which generates some ugly keys. I'd prefer everything be openssh based. So, I found some information about this on someones blog, and I decided I would share it here on my blog, and leave it here for my reference as well as yours! Happy converting.

Connecting two server running different type of SSH can be nightmare if you does not know how to convert the key. In this tutorial, I will try to explain on how to convert the public key from OpenSSH to SSH2 and SSH2 to OpenSSH. To convert the key, it must be done in OpenSSH server.
Convert OpenSSH key to SSH2 key
  • Run the OpenSSH version of ssh-keygen on your OpenSSH public key to convert it into the format needed by SSH2 on the remote machine. This must be done on the system running OpenSSH.
    #ssh-keygen -e -f ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/
Convert SSH2 key to OpenSSH key
  • Run the OpenSSH version of ssh-keygen on your ssh2 public key to convert it into the format needed by OpenSSH. This needs to be done on the system running OpenSSH.
    #ssh-keygen -i -f ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/
Steps involved to produce and convert the keys.
To generate an OpenSSH sshv2 key
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f newkey
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in newkey.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
c6:db:3a:ff:4c:79:a7:d8:cb:be:82:e8:9d:db:8c:e9 brad@eta
To export to
$ ssh-keygen -e -f
Comment: “1024-bit DSA, converted from OpenSSH by brad@eta”
To generate a key:
$ ssh-keygen
Generating 2048-bit dsa key pair
1 oOo.oO
Key generated.
2048-bit dsa,, Tue Jul 15 2003 13:53:34 +1000
Passphrase :
Again      :
Private key saved to /usr/users/staff/m/marshalb/.ssh2/id_dsa_2048_b
Public key saved to /usr/users/staff/m/marshalb/.ssh2/
To convert from to OpenSSH (using OpenSSH ssh-keygen):
$ ssh-keygen -i -f
ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAAEBAKueha6mfr5OUcscc88lmQUBBgYSZ08htHFaYzke2N
You can then use the output in authorized_keys file on an openssh box.
OpenSSH v2 -> SSH v2
On the OpenSSH box, create a DSA key via the following:
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Export the key into v2 format:
$ ssh-keygen -e -f ~/.ssh/ > newPubKey
Copy the converted ssh key to the server
$ scp newPubKey server:.ssh2/
On the server, tell the server that the public key is allowed:
echo “Key” >> ~/.ssh2/authorization
SSH v2 -> OpenSSH v2
On the box, generate a DSA key:
$ ssh-keygen
Copy the generated key to the openssh box:
$ scp ~/.ssh2/ server:.ssh
Convert the public key to openssh format and append to authorized_keys:
$ ssh-keygen -i -f >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
On the box setup the private key:
$ echo “IdKey id_dsa_1024_a” >> ~/.ssh2/identification
SSH v2 -> SSH v2
On the client, generate a DSA key:
$ ssh-keygen
Copy the generated key to the server:
$ scp ~/.ssh2/ server:.ssh2
On the server, tell the server that the public key is allowed:
$ echo “Key” >> ~/.ssh2/authorization
On the client setup the private key:
$ echo “IdKey id_dsa_1024_a” >> ~/.ssh2/identification
OpenSSH v2 -> OpenSSH v2
On the OpenSSH box, create a DSA key via the following:
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
Copy the ssh key to the server
$ scp ~/.ssh/ server:.ssh/
Add the key to the authorized_keys file on the server
$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oracle on Linux needs access to /proc? Only for Enterprise Manager?

So, on some of our systems oracle runs as the oracle user, and the /proc filesystem is off limits for standard user accounts. This hasn't affected much...however I came across the error:
Error retrieving information from EMD. Exception: oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.MetricGetException: Could not open /proc/partitions

today...Hrm. Wonder what thats hurting...Probably nothing as everything seems to be running properly.

In addition...uname must be unrestricted in order for Oracle Wallet Manager (owm) to function. Probably lots of other java stuff too.

Linux, sudo, and environment variables

Our DBA came to me and said he was having some problems with sudo. A little background, we recently upgraded our test systems to the latest version of RedHat Enterprise Linux.  We have a pretty complicated setup with Oracle and Fujitsu NetCOBOL and a lot of customizations for our site.  My latest round of updates with the systems prompted me to enact a new baseline security policy.  One of the features of this new baseline policy is that it requires us going to a new procedure for issuing super user commands... Used to we'd just su, as thats how it had always been done here on HPUX and other UNIX Operating Systems.  With little separation of duty due to such a small staff, the DBA and others have all frequently pitched in to help with administration tasks.

Anyway, enforcing su provides a lot of benefit, even if it does mean we have to change the way we're doing some things.  Our system relies a lot upon environment variables being carried over from one environ to the other, and some of our system users and the tasks they perform depend largely upon those envars.  So, it came to pass that there is a directive in the sudoers file that allows (or, by default, disallows) environment variables passing through with sudo execution. This is "Default env_reset" - Changed to "Default !env_reset" to say ! = NO! Don't reset the envars when using sudo!

This solved our issue, and the DBA was able to complete the upgrades.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The blackberry Curve 8300 - 83xx - Pretty cool.

I recently came across a free Blackberry Curve 8300 for ATT - a friend of a friend was getting an iPhone 3G (after she had become enamored with the iPod touch) and was just going to give it to him, fortunately for me he has Verizon not ATT or T-Mobile, and I said I'd offer him some money for it. He said "nonsense (nice!), I'll ask her if I can give it to you." So she said yes.

The software that came with it was old, like it had never been updated. I later found out why. The synching/software interface for the blackberry is atrocious. I later found out too that you can do MOST things without synching. Such as over-the-airwaves App installs and stuff. Not to mention...Synching the blackberry to the computer is extremely slow. It took like 35 minutes just to do the software upgrade. The iPhone definitely has it beat in that arena.

Anway, I'm a happy, Loyal, iPhone user (only because its unix in my pocket, and I can do the things I need to do with MY computer - hopefully all of this carrier-lock in junk will be over soon.), but I was impressed with this little device, despite its stubbornness in wanting to charge. It seems to have some issues...I bought a car charger for my girlfriend for this device, and it seemed to charge straight away. When I hooked it up to the computer (much like I had found trying to synch it at work) - It was a mess of steps to get the thing recognized and charging.  Why can't I just plug the USB cable in and let it charge the battery. ARGH.

Anyway, hopefully I can work on her Vista machine some more (i did the synching and initial software upgrade on an XP machine) and get it to recognize the device so she can charge it there, since my friend forgot to bring me the wall charger.

Overall, I like the device. They're relatively inexpensive, though the data plan is more expensive than an iphone at 30$/month (35$/month if you want at least 200 txt messages...some are a requirement otherwise you're getting shafted at the .20/.30 cent per message mark. Lame.

Its not an iPhone, but its not half bad either, and it has a large community support base as well. Once I got past a few of the quirks, everything seems to be OK and she seemed to pick it up pretty intuitively.

Friday, September 4, 2009

unix security problems

so, you're in a meeting and you get asked to provide an account to a group thats not in your department. when you tell your friends they tell you to tell the people you work "if you're so good at security make your own account"

that wouldn't go over well.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

session recording with 'script' in linux/unix hosts.

don't forget you can use the 'script' command 'script output.log' to record all commands you type.
you can use this as a reference to see what you've done in the session ( such as wanting to record all file permission changes that you make in a session )