Friday, October 17, 2008

ubuntu intrepid ibex java needs icedtea

in order to get mozilla working with java, you need to install the icedtea plugin after installing the open java stuff.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

unix and windows: carriage returns with tr/sed/awk

cat -v myfile.csv

...and then you will see them at the end of the line as ^M (Ctrl-M)

delete them using tr like this, but this will only work in the following form if "\r" is recognised as a carriage return character. Some versions of tr and sed do not. So before you try this out you should set up a test file with a few "r"s in it in obvious places to make sure the following command is not just deleting "r"s.

tr -d '\r' <> outfile.csv

If the above command deleted "r"s instead of carriage returns then instead of using '\r' use 'Cntl-v-m'. The Cntl-v works on a few shells to let it know that you are going to enter a special character and the "m" you follow it with indicates a carriage return. "m" as in the "^M" you see at the end of the lines when you use cat -v.

There are other ways of removing these carriage returns. You can use sed to do it but again you have to check is it accepts "\r" as a carriage return by experimenting on a very small test file with a few obvious "r"s in it.

sed 's/\r$//' infile.csv > outfile.csv

On a final note, you might have to convert a Unix file to a DOS/Windows file sometimes. You can do it like this:

awk '{ print $0 "\r"}' unix.txt > dos.txt


tr -d '\015' <> new.file

more simple:
perl -pi -e 's/\015//g' file

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

freebsd jails from sysinstall

sysinstall nonInteractive=yes _ftpPath= mediaSetFTP distSetMinimum installRoot=/var/jails/ releaseName=6.1-RELEASE installCommit

Friday, October 10, 2008

freebsd native firefox, linux-firefox, and linux-opera with flash and java.

ok, i like firefox. dont really like opera. but...i had to succumb.

running freebsd 7 with native firefox for java v6 (diablo-latte) works great, and adds appropriate java entries to the pluginreg.dat which is actually shared with linux-firefox (for proper flash support...nspluginwrapper was causing flash to be out of synch (youtube) for me, but linux-firefox with linux-flashplugin7 worked fine.

linux-opera to the rescue ; everytime i started linux-firefox it would overwrite my pluginreg.dat (which i had some specific java variables in there) - it pissed me off that i couldn't use both firefoxes... i thought about maybe using a diff profile but it pulls pluginreg.dat before the i just decided to use linux-opera and be done w/it. thats what i decided on.

btw, i hate flash and java. but both are necessary for my line of work...bullshit.

i need flash to watch videos and listen to music on youtube.
i need java to work with some screwed up oracle applications we use at work.

at least i get to use unix.